Jake Roberts Names His Most Painful In-Ring Injury Ever

Answering a fan submitted question on the "DDP Snake Pit" podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Jake "The Snake" Roberts revealed the most painful in-ring injury he suffered was a ripped pectoral on an attempted clothesline against fellow WWE Hall of Famer Andre the Giant. "I remember going down and I thought I broke my shoulder," said Roberts. "I'm just holding my shoulder and I'm wiggling my fingers, you know, trying to get the feeling back in them; and Andre reached down, and grabbed me by the hand and jerked me to my feet, which stretched that back out again. At which point, I decide I'm going to sleep. I passed out from the pain and when I woke up, Andre's got me in a bearhug and he's singing to me."

Once Roberts found his bearings (and Andre's "Hush Little Baby" lullaby singing stopped), Roberts told Andre "get us out of here" and they finished the match. Later that night, despite having a damaged pec, Roberts (and Andre) wrestled again. Though the pain of the injury was intense, Roberts never took a day off for the injury but looking back, admits he should have.

Another painful in-ring injury Roberts suffered during his career was a broken sternum (twice) in two matches against recently inducted WWE Hall of Famer Leon "Vader" White. "He crushed me in the corner and broke my sternum," said Roberts. "A broken sternum is real painful because it takes a long time to heal; and if you sneeze or cough, you want to rip your eyeballs out. It hurts so bad." 

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "DDP Snake Pit" podcast with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

