AEW Dark Results (09/20) - JD Drake Vs. Matt Sydal, The Trustbusters In Action And More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Dark" on September 20, 2022!

Four members of The Trustbusters will be in action, as leader Ari Daivari, Parker Boudreaux and Slim-J will team up to take on Marcus Kross, Mike Magnum and GKM. Sonny Kiss will also take on Joe Ocasio in singles competition. The group has been a force to be reckoned with ever since their formation earlier this summer.


In the women's division, Marina Shafir will take on La Rosa Negra. Shafir watched on as her partner, Nyla Rose, defeated B3CCA on "AEW Dark: Elevation" before addressing the crowd after the match and telling them that they helped in part to create the problem. Emi Sakura (with Baliyan Akki in her corner) looks to score a win over "AEW Dark" regular Avery Breaux as she continues to rack up wins. Madison Rayne will also square off with Viva Van while KiLynn King will face Sahara Seven.

JD Drake of The Workhorsemen will be squaring off with veteran Matt Sydal. The Factory's Anthony Ogogo will be taking on Luke Kurtis. "The Reality" Zack Clayton looks to score a win over Vary Morales. Alex Reynolds and John Silver of the Dark Order will be in tag team action against Zuka and Alexander Moss. Tony Nese and Josh Woods (with manager "Smart" Mark Sterling at ringside) will be taking on Baliyan Akki and Ryan Matthews.


We are live! Taz and Excalibur greet audiences at home as Dark Order heads to the ring. Zuka and Alexander Moss are already waiting in the ring.

Dark Order vs. Zuka and Alexander Moss

Reynolds and Zuka begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Reynolds delivers a crossbody, followed by several forearms in the corner. He hits a clothesline before tagging in Silver. The pair deliver a double drop toe hold and drop kick to Zuka before Silver hits a flapjack. He hits a couple of kicks to Zuka's face, followed by one to his chest.


Moss tags in and delivers a double sledge hammer. He hits a body slam, followed by a leaping knee. He goes for a pin, but Silver kicks out. Zuka tags back in and delivers a suplex. He goes for a pin, but Silver kicks out. Reynolds and Moss both tag in. Reynolds delivers an uppercut, followed by a kick. He delivers a stomp to Moss' back, followed by a rolling elbow, an enziguri, a stunner, a German suplex and a Jack Knife (with the assistance of Silver) for the win.

Winners: Dark Order

Emi Sakura and Baliyan Akki head to the ring, with Avery Breaux already waiting inside.

Emi Sakura (w/ Baliyan Akki) vs. Avery Breaux

The bell rings and Breaux delivers a drop kick. Sakura sends her into the corner before hitting a snapmare. She follows it up with a chop, but Breaux fires back with a few forearms. Sakura bites Breaux's wrist in response before Sakura delivers a DDT. She hits a crossbody to Breaux in the corner, followed by a Butterfly Suplex. She ascends to the top and hits a moonsault for the win.


Winner: Emi Sakura

The Trustbusters head to the ring, with Marcus Kross, Mike Magnum and GKM already waiting inside.

The Trustbusters vs. Marcus Kross, Mike Magnum and GKM

Slim-J and Kross begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Kross delivers a series of kicks to Slim, but Slim fires back with a clothesline. Daivari tags in and the pair hit a double suplex. He goes for a pin, but Kross kicks out. GKM tags in and hits Daivari with an uppercut. Daivari fires back with a back elbow, then whips him into the opposite corner. Magnum tags in and calls for Boudreaux to tag in. Boudreaux obliges and Magnum hits him with a right hand. Boudreaux sends Magnum straight to the mat with a splash. Slim tags in and hits a neckbreaker with the help of Daivari. Boudreaux tags back in and hits Magnum with a side slam before tagging in Daivari. Daivari delivers a Frog Splash for the win.


Winners: The Trustbusters

Anthony Ogogo heads to the ring, with Luke Kurtis already waiting inside.

Anthony Ogogo vs. Luke Kurtis

Ogogo delivers a suplex before the bell rings. He then fires off several forearms before hitting the pop-up right hand for the win.

Winner: Anthony Ogogo

After the match, Ogogo grabs a mic and says that he's been fighting since the first day of his life. He says that he fought to become a ten time champion and to become a junior champion. He says that he fought to get his spot at the Olympics while his mother was in a coma and says that after his boxing career came to a close, he could've chosen anywhere. He says that none of the big boys wants to fight him because as soon as the bell goes, he does things that would shame the devil and says that if no one steps up to the plate, then he will go and fight somewhere else.


Zack Clayton heads to the ring, with Vary Morales already waiting inside.

Zack Clayton vs. Vary Morales

The bell rings and the two lock up. Morales hits a crossbody, but Clayton fires back with a shoulder tackle and an elbow drop. Clayton delivers a knee to Morales' back, followed by a vertical suplex-backbreaker combo. Morales delivers a series of kicks to Clayton, then looks for a crossbody. Clayton catches him and drops him with his finisher for the win.


Winner: Zack Clayton

After the match, Tony Schiavone gets in the ring. Clayton says that was just a little dose of reality and no one has been able to get the wrestling business in check. He says that fans will never know what being a star is like and they will never amount to anything close to what he is. He says the reality is that he's just getting started.

Marina Shafir heads to the ring, with La Rosa Negra already waiting inside.

Marina Shafir vs. La Rosa Negra

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Shafir sends Rosa into the corner. Rosa fires back with a chop, but Shafir gets her up on her shoulders and sends her straight to the mat. Rosa delivers a kick to Shafir's midsection, followed by a back elbow. Shafir comes back with a chop, followed by a couple of knees and a hop throw. She kicks Rosa in her back, then locks in Greedy for the win.


Winner: Marina Shafir

Madison Rayne heads to the ring, with Viva Van already waiting inside.

Madison Rayne vs. Viva Van

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Van hits a knee on Rayne. The two women spill to the outside and Van sends Rayne spine first into the apron. She tosses Rayne back into the ring, then hits a sliding lariat. She goes for a pin, but Rayne kicks out. Van gets Rayne up on her shoulders, but Rayne rolls her up. Van kicks out and Rayne hits a step-up enziguri. She hits several elbows, followed by a Northern Lights Suplex. She delivers the Cross-Raynes for the win.


Winner: Madison Rayne

Tony Schiavone gets in the ring and Rayne says that she's worked her entire career to be in an AEW ring. She says the Queen Bee is here to teach the women's division and flip it upside down.

KiLynn King heads to the ring, with Sahara Seven already waiting inside.

KiLynn King vs. Sahara Seven

The bell rings and Seven charges at King. She fires off several forearms before King delivers several vicious chops. Seven rolls King up, but King kicks out. King delivers a knee to Seven's face, followed by a Pump Handle Slam for the win.


Winner: KiLynn King

Tony Nese and Josh Woods head to the ring, with Baliyan Akki and Ryan Matthews already waiting inside.

Tony Nese and Josh Woods vs. Baliyan Akki and Ryan Matthews

Woods and Akki begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Akki delivers a forearm and an enziguri. Akki looks for a springboard, but Woods counters it into a jumping knee strike. Nese tags in and delivers a drop kick. He hits a bodyslam, then locks in a chin lock. Akki escapes and delivers a kick to Nese's thigh.


Matthews tags in and hits a back elbow. He delivers a shotgun drop kick, but Nese fires back with a kick to his head. Woods tags in and the two deliver a neck breaker combination for the win.

Winners: Tony Nese and Josh Woods

The Trustbusters head to the ring, with Joe Ocasio already waiting inside.

Sonny Kiss (w/ The Trustbusters) vs. Joe Ocasio

The bell rings and Kiss slaps Ocasio in the back of his neck. Ocasio delivers a back elbow, followed by a standing frog splash. He goes for a pin, but Kiss kicks out. Kiss sends Ocasio to the mat, then delivers a splitting leg drop. They go for the pin, but Ocasio kicks out. Kiss hits a flipping forearm, followed by a corkscrew enziguri for the win.


Winner: Sonny Kiss

JD Drake heads to the ring, followed by Matt Sydal.

JD Drake vs. Matt Sydal

The bell rings and the two face off. Sydal delivers several arm drags, followed by a mariposa. Sydal delivers a hurricanrana, but Drake fires back with a lariat. Drake delivers a forearm to Sydal, followed by a couple of chops. Sydal ascends to the top rope, but Drake drags him back in. Sydal counters into a hurricanrana as the two spill to the outside. Sydal hits a tope suicida, followed by a chop.


Drake delivers a shot to Sydal's chest before getting back in the ring. Sydal follows and Drake delivers several stomps to him. Drake delivers a body slam, then goes for a pin but Sydal kicks out. Drake delivers a forearm to Sydal's head before the two men exchange chops. Drake delivers a senton, but Sydal fires back with kicks and chops. He looks for a sunset flip, but Drake blocks it. Drake looks for a Vader Bomb, but Sydal moves out of the way. He delivers several kicks to Drake, followed by a spinning heel kick. He goes for a pin, but Drake kicks out.

Sydal hits Drake with a pair of kicks to his thigh, then beats him down. Drake looks for a cannonball, but Sydal moves out of the way. He hits a roundhouse kick, followed by The Lightning Spiral for the win.


Winner: Matt Sydal

After the match, Anthony Henry launches a surprise attack on Sydal. Drake joins in and the two beat down Sydal.

