The Rock Pitches Tag Team Match Against The Hardys

It seems for years now that rumors regarding The Rock and his next, and possibly last, wrestling match would involve him taking on his cousin, Roman Reigns, at WrestleMania, perhaps even the upcoming WrestleMania 39. But it appears the WWE Superstar turned international movie star may have another match he's interested in doing, even if it's one that is unlikely to happen.

Late Tuesday evening, The Rock responded to a tweet from AEW's Matt Hardy about WWE producer and former opponent of The Rock's, Shane "Hurricane" Helms, and had this to say about Helms and Hardy.

"My boys!!" Rock said. "I co sign what Matt said! Hurricane is the best. Let's have a tag match for the titles. Me & Shane vs you & Jeff. Special guest referee... first name, Cham...last name, Pain." #bookthatshit

In a response, Hardy seemed more than open to the idea.

"YEAASSSSS, LFG!" Hardy tweeted. "I love some Chiz Piz @marty_garner & we're definitely ready to #BookThatShit, biggest star in the wiz!"

Not to be left behind, Helms also added his two cents to the proceedings while posting a comic book panel that referenced Rock's upcoming portrayal of Black Adam.

"We're already undefeated against Shazam!" Helms tweeted.

Unfortunately for wrestling fans, a Hardys vs. Rock/Helms match appears to be politically impossible at this time, with Helms working for WWE and both Hardys under contract with AEW. Hardy was most recently seen on this past week's episode of "AEW Rampage", where he lost to Darby Allin and was attacked by the House of Black afterwards. Jeff Hardy, meanwhile, has been MIA since June, when he was suspended indefinitely after he was arrested and charged with DUI.

