AEW Dark Results (09/13) - Matt Hardy Vs. Angelico, Danhausen Vs. Peter Avalon

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW: Dark" on September 13, 2022!

Matt Hardy will be in action as he faces off against Angelico. The pair have an interesting history with one another, as Angelico was a former member of the Hardy Family Office along with Private Party, The Butcher, The Blade, The Bunny and Jora Johl. Hardy eventually sold 51% of his stake to Andrade El Idolo before the two formed the Andrade-Hardy Family Office. Andrade and the rest of the members eventually kicked Hardy out of the group, leading to him becoming the new head of the family

Three members of The Wingmen will be in action as part of their efforts to pick up wins in order to gain the attention of management and get more television time. Leader Ryan Nemeth will team up with the big man of the group, Cezar Bononi to take on the teacher and student team of Matt Sydal and Dante Martin respectively. Sydal and Martin are coming off a win over Zack Clayton and Serpentico on last night's "Dark: Elevation". "Pretty" Peter Avalon will also be taking on fan-favorite Danhausen, who has aligned himself with Best Friends and Orange Cassidy over recent weeks.

In the women's division, Penelope Ford will take on Alice Crowley. Ford most recently loss to AEW Interim Women's Champion Toni Storm on this past Wednesday's "Dynamite" in an eliminator match for a title shot. Emi Sakura will also team up Diamante to take on new allies Skye Blue and Queen Aminata.

We are live! Taz and Excalibur greet audiences at home as Penelope Ford heads to the ring, with Alice Crowley already waiting inside.

Penelope Ford vs. Alice Crowley

The bell rings and the two lock up. Ford chokes Crowley on the ropes before Crowley fires back with a chop. Crowley sends Ford to the mat, but Ford rolls out to the apron. She delivers a kick, followed by a clothesline. She kicks Crowley's face, then delivers a shin across Crowley's neck. Ford delivers several kicks in the corner, but Crowlyw fires back with a forearm. Ford delivers an elbow, then sends Crowey into the ropes. She delivers a drop kick to Crowley's back, followed by the Back Handspring Elbow and a high boot. Ford locks in the Indian Deathlock for the win.

Winner: Penelope Ford

We then head to Hikaru Shida's locker room. Noises coming from behind the locked door before Rebel comes out and says to Alex Marvez that Shida needs a moment. Britt Baker then comes out with a kendo stick in hand and says that if she can't have her tag partner of choice, then neither can Toni Storm. She tells her to look around for a new one before the pair walk off. Marvez opens the door and calls for medical personnel. He says things don't look good for Shida.

The Wingmen head to the ring, followed by Dante Martin and Matt Sydal.

Dante Martin and Matt Sydal vs. Ryan Nemeth and Cezar Bononi

The bell rings and The Wingmen waste no time going after Martin and Sydal. Martin delivers a drop kick to Nemeth as Sydal takes down Bononi. The two men go flying off the apron before Sydal tosses Nemeth back in the ring. He goes for a pin, but Nemeth kicks out. Nemeth delivers a drop kick, then goes for a pin but Sydal kicks out.

Bononi tags in and delivers a couple of kicks. He tosses Sydal face first into the top turnbuckle, then whips him into the opposite corner. Nemeth tags in and delivers several knees, followed by a Fish Drop. He goes for a pin, but Sydal kicks out. Nemeth looks for a forearm, but Sydal moves out of the way and delivers a hurricanrana. Bononi tags in and Sydal hits a DDT. He makes the hot tag to Martin.

Martin delivers a drop kick, followed by an insiguri and a cross body off the top. He goes for a pin, but Bononi kicks out. Nemeth tags back in and Sydal delivers a kick to Nemeth's jaw. Martin tags in and delivers the Nose Dive for the win.

Winners: Matt Sydal and Dante Martin

Emi Sakura and Diamante head to the ring, followed by Skye Blue and Queen Aminata.

Emi Sakura and Diamante vs. Skye Blue and Queen Aminata

Blue and Diamante begin the action. The bell rings and the two go after one another. Diamante delivers a German Suplex, then rains down right hands. Sakura tags in and delivers several Mongolian chops. She follows it up with a back breaker, then sits on her. Diamante tags back in and Blue delivers a kick to her head. Aminata tags in and takes down Sakura. She delivers a Flatliner to Diamante, then goes for a pin but Diamante kicks out. Sakura tags back in and delivers a series of Machine Gun Chops. She hits a diving press before Diamante tags back in. Sakura hits a Vader Bomb, then goes for a pin but Aminata kicks out. Blue tags back in and delivers a crossbody off the top to the outside. She tosses Sakura back in the ring and hits a thrust kick. She delivers her finisher for the win.

Winners: Skye Blue and Queen Aminata

"Pretty" Peter Avalon heads to the ring, followed by Danhausen.

Danhausen vs. Pretty Peter Avalon

The bell rings and the crowd loudly cheers on Danhausen. Avalon delivers a kick to Danhausen, followed by a bodyslam. Danhausen delivers a Northern Lights Throw, followed by a back elbow and a jumping knee. He hits a shoulder to Avalon's midsection, followed by a German Suplex. Avalon delivers an insiguri, but Danhausen fires back with a kick. Danhausen curses Avalon, then locks in the Juji Gatame for the win.

Winner: Danhausen

Angelico heads to the ring, followed by Matt Hardy.

Matt Hardy vs. Angelico

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Hardy sends Angelico repeatedly into the turnbuckles face first in all four corners. Hardy delivers a right hand to his jaw, then hits a powerbomb. He goes for a pin, but Angelico kicks out. Angelico sends Hardy onto the apron, then follows it up with a kick. He delivers several stomps, followed by a Snapmare and a kick to the back of his head. He goes for a pin, but Hardy kicks out.

Angelico targets Hardy's arm and locks in a submission. Hardy escapes and delivers The Side Effect. He goes for a pin but Angelico kicks out. He hits a drop toe hold, then goes for a pin but Hardy kicks out. Hardy manages to pull out the Twist of Fate for the win.

Winner: Matt Hardy

