Chris Jericho Doubles Down On Comments Trashing WWE NXT

Chris Jericho took another shot at Paul "Triple H" Levesque over the WWE Chief Content Officer's comments from last week when he said AEW's ratings triumph over "NXT" was a case of AEW "beating our developmental system."


In an interview with Inside the Ropes, Jericho accused Levesque of "changing the narrative and changing the history" of "NXT's "role within WWE.

"[It] makes me laugh, because when it started it was not a developmental, it was a third brand," Jericho said. "Of course, we beat the developmental, whatever you want to call it, who gives a s**t? It was such old news. You know, the show sucks and NXT sucks. It's not a good show and they know it."

Jericho suggested that Levesque made his comments out of spite.

"He's angry that we beat them, and he probably is angry that we exist," he continued. "But, you know, we don't care about WWE. We care about our show, we care about putting on the best stories we can put on, we care about building our fan base and building our ratings, and we will continue to exist."


Jericho also took aim at WWE's finances, claiming "my boss has a lot more money than his boss does, a lot more." He also theorized that Levesque was uncomfortable with having vibrant competition.

"They had a monopoly for so long," he said. "They don't like the fact that we exist, that's fine. We don't care that they exist. God bless them. And they're running a show in front of 50,000 people — why would he even care about us? But you know he should, and he does. And that's why he says those things. It's funny because we embarrassed them."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Inside the Ropes" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

