Mark Henry Says He's Not Retired, Talks Ron Simmons Yelling At Him During His First NOD Segment
Mark Henry was recently interviewed by Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated for their Week In Wrestling feature. Below are a couple of highlights:
Reports that he's retired:
"I am not retired. There is still a lot I can do."
Why he has been away from the ring when The Rock presented him as a present to Ron "Farooq" Simmons:
"I love the WWE, I love the company, but I have two kids and they want me home. They want me to see their recitals and sporting events, and I want to see them grow and evolve. My dad didn't live with me when I was growing up, and he missed so much. I am not going to repeat that."

His first appearance as a member of The Nation of Domination:
"That was the first time I was on television with the Nation. Dwayne was introducing me to Ron and said, 'Hey, I got you a present. I got you the World's Strongest Man.' I was their heater, their enforcer, and I really wasn't supposed to say anything. My job was to stand there and look big.
"I said to Ron, 'I'm here for you' and Ron shouted, 'Shut up! Nobody's talking to you!' I was like, 'Oh s—, is he being serious?' Afterward, Ron told me, 'Later on, you'll have all the opportunity in the world to talk. But I was in my moment, and you can't step on somebody else's moment.' It took a second, but I understood what he meant. You can't always make it about you. That was a learning experience."
Henry also discussed his longevity with the company, how he came up with the "Hall of Pain", his retirement angle which resulted in him attacking John Cena and more. You can read the full interview by clicking here.