Austin Aries Reveals Who He Has To Blame For His WWE Firing And Gets Heckled, HOH 35 Results
Austin Aries returned to action for House of Hardcore this past weekend. Aries appeared at last night's House of Hardcore 35 event in Philadelphia, which aired live on Twitch.
At the show, Aries cut a lengthy promo about his career and taking personal responsibility. He talked about his career coming full circle and said that he was going back to using his original monicker, Austin "The Truth" Aries.
Aries also discussed the recent scandals in Hollywood, noting that it was being run by "a bunch of unsavory characters with a bunch of shady business practices." Aries said that he could call a lot of people out for the "bullsh-t going on in this industry," but he was going to call out one name... Austin Aries.
Aries said that while he's earned a great reputation for his in-ring and promo skills, he also developed a reputation for being an a–hole. He said that the reputation followed him to WWE, and that the company was apprehensive about signing him because of it.
"The truth behind why Austin Aries was fired isn't because creative couldn't find nothing for me, how do you not find something creative for Austin f–king Aries?" Aries asked. "The truth is, I got let go because I probably deserved to be. They didn't find anything for me because they didn't want to find anything for me because I was f–king miserable. "
The crowd started to get impatient during the 12+ minute promo, often booing Aries and chanting "sh-t the f–k up!" Aries called out some of the fans booing, before saying that his firing was his fault although WWE brought out the worst in him.
"I competed at WrestleMania 33, and I'm telling you, leading up to what should have been the biggest moment of my life, I couldn't find an ounce of joy," Aries continued. "That's when I realized, there was something wrong with me. In six months, I lost my job. Relationships with people I cared about were tarnished."

The fans started chanting "boring", and Aries challenged them to come into the ring to shut him up. Aries said that he's going to take ownership of his life and that he's a babyface because "I'm a compassionate mother f–ker who cares about people." Aries said that he's decided that moving forward, he's not going to be "The Greatest Man Alive" but rather the greatest man he can be, and that involves learning the truth about yourself. He said that because of House of Hardcore and most of the crowd, he no longer has to be angry and he can "finally by free."
Aries started thanking the crowd before being interrupted by Alex Reynolds, who Aries ended up defeating by submission. You can watch the entire House of Hardcore 35 event in the video above (Aries promo is at the 19 minute mark), below are results from the show courtesy of @shinsationalone
* Bull James defeated Hot Young Briley
* MVP defeated Lance Anoa'i
* Ace Romero defeated Vik Dalishus (w/ The Double Duprees)
* Nick Aldis defeated Billy Gunn
* Matt Cross (Lucha Underground) defeated Petey Williams
* Super Crazy & Little Guido defeated The Spirit Squad
* Willie Mack defeated Luchasaurus & Matt Riddle in a Triple Threat Match
* Austin Aries defeated Alex Reynolds (w/ Maxwell Jacob Friedman) via submission
* Joey Mercury defeated Tommy Dreamer in a First Blood Match via interference from Nick Aldis & Shane Douglas who had turned on Dreamer after saving him.
If you use any of the quotes in this article, please provide a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.