Jim Cornette Done With GFW, Backstage News On Why He Was Brought Back And His Departure
As noted, Impact Wrestling announced today that the November 5th Bound For Glory pay-per-view will take place from the Aberdeen Pavilion in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. There will also be TV tapings at the same venue from November 6th through the 10th.
Jim Cornette will not be working Bound For Glory or the TV tapings as he's now done with the company, according to F4Wonline.com. Cornette has not been to Canada since before 2010 after being turned away at the border due to his record that has arrests from years ago. Cornette says there's no heat over his departure and that it's just a matter of circumstances.
Cornette noted to F4Wonline.com that he came to the company after Jeff Jarrett called him in August, to work just one set of TV to help further a few storylines – stripping Alberto El Patron of the World Heavyweight Title, the on-screen firing of Bruce Prichard to set up his return as a heel manager and to try and get Anthem over as babyfaces to wrestling fans. Cornette worked that first set of tapings and then agreed with Jarrett that he would come back to work Bound For Glory, then the November TV tapings.

It was also noted that with Jarrett gone, the current creative team is focusing more on in-ring action and less on authority figure storylines. Sonjay Dutt and Scott D'Amore are currently leading the writing team.
Cornette's status with the company was up in the air due to Jarrett's indefinite leave of absence and he had not heard from anyone except Bob Ryder, who told him not to believe what he read online. Cornette also spoke to Dutch Mantell, explaining that he would not be able to appear at the pay-per-view or the tapings since they were being held in Canada. Cornette agreed to come to Nashville and do whatever he needed to do on camera for his storyline exit but as of now, there are no plans for him.