Bruce Prichard On CM Punk Once Drinking Alcohol, What CM Stands For, Stars Popular With Women
On his recent Something to Wrestle With podcast, Bruce Prichard talked about getting to know CM Punk and how he felt that he was fascinating for his "straight edge" beliefs.
"You don't drink, you don't do drugs, you don't do any of that," Prichard remembering saying to Punk. "He says, 'No, but I'm not a prude either.' I said ok, explain that. So he explained that he really didn't want to judge others that did choose that lifestyle."
"This is what got him over with me automatically," recalled Prichard. "He [CM Punk] was in Kansas City or St. Louis or somewhere for Harley Race's birthday and he was at a camp. And they were out at a restaurant/bar type thing and everyone got shots for Harley's birthday."

"Now Punk doesn't drink, doesn't do drugs but he took a shot out of respect for Harley Race. And goes, 'You know, Harley asked me to do it, one shot's not going to kill me. I'm not going to go get hammered. I took a shot out of respect for Harley Race.' And for whatever reason, I thought that was cool and that just kind of showed the love and respect he had for the business and the old timers," said Prichard. He didn't have to and you know, it would have been fine."
Prichard was asked by his co-host Conrad Thompson what he was told the CM stood for in CM Punk's name.
"Well from his own mouth, he told me that it was Chick Magnet and he was given that name because of the tag team and it just stuck and he just never changed it after all those years," said Prichard. "And it was that simple."
Conrad asked Prichard about Punk being very popular with the women on the roster and even being labeled the "real Divas Champion."
"Well I think that he definitely had his share of girlfriends on the roster," recalled Prichard. "But again that kind of just goes back to the lifestyle these guys live. It's the only people you're around so, I mean, s–t happens."
Prichard recalled Edge, Matt Hardy, Paul Diamond and Paul London as "king slayers" or "chick magnets" that had their fair share of relationships with women on the WWE roster during their time with the company.
You can listen to the latest episode of Something to Wrestle With with Bruce Prichard by clicking here.
If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Something to Wrestle With with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.