Bayley On Which WWE Divas She Looked Up To As A Kid, Why Her Cheerfulness Comes Natural, More

WWE NXT Women's Champion Bayley recently spoke with The Daily Record to promote the upcoming WWE NXT tour of the UK. The full interview can be found at this link. Below are highlights:

Taking pride in the responsibility of being a role model:


"I hope I am an inspiration, as it's something I've always wanted to be. When I was younger, I had people like Lita, Ivory and Molly Holly to look up to and I try to think of how they made me feel. No matter what I do in the sport, whether it's during matches, or outside the ring, I'm always conscious of putting on a good image. I see lots of young girls dressing up like me and I get all these tweets saying I'm an inspiration. It's a great feeling, so it's really important not to let anyone down."

The reach of WWE NXT and her newfound popularity:

"I'm noticing the more we travel outside of Florida, the more I'm noticing the impact we're having. Like I'm touching people outside of my own state, which is crazy. I'm seeing my Hugger shirts all over the world, on everyone from little kids to grown men and women. When I started seeing that everywhere, that was when I realized something was happening. It's really cool."


Her cheerfulness coming natural because she loves her job:

"It's easy for me as I really feel like a little kid when I walk out on stage. Even if I'm feeling tired, sore or beat up backstage and am thinking 'I don't know if I can get through this one', as soon as I walk out there, the adrenaline just pours out of me. It's not even something I have to think about, it's automatic. Once I see the fans and that wrestling ring, it's like a switch. I just love it."

Bayley also discussed main eventing with Sasha Banks, NXT going to the UK and more in the full interview.

Source: The Daily Record

JC Twenty contributed to this article.

