WWE NXT Departure Confirmed, Rusev Posts New Photo With Lana, WWE RAW Twitter TV Ratings

- Monday's RAW ranked #2 among non-sporting events for the night in Nielsen's Twitter TV ratings, behind Dancing with the Stars. RAW had a unique audience of 1.363 million, which represents the number of Twitter accounts that commented on the show. This is up from last week's 1.277 million. RAW had total impressions of 7.307 million, which represents the number of times tweets about the show were seen. This was down from last week's 8.026 impressions.

- In regards to our earlier report on WWE NXT Superstar Solomon Crowe possibly being released from the company, PWInsider has confirmed his departure. Crowe reportedly requested and received his release on Monday.

- Rusev posted the following with his fiancee Lana today:

I will fight anyone. In the name of the father son and my holy wife. You try me @thelanawwe

A photo posted by Miroslav Barnyashev (@rusevig) on

