Destroyed Cadillac Hauled Off (Videos), John Cena Says Cesaro Should Be Main Eventing Every Night

- Regarding the heartfelt speech from John Cena about Cesaro after last night's RAW in Chicago, reader Aidan Laurie sent in this recap:

"I was at RAW and the segment after the show was amazing. As a Chicagoan who hates Cena, I have the most respect in the world for him after the speech he gave. He talked about how Cesaro deserves to be in the main event every night and that if he keeps trying he will get to the top one day. Cena also talked about how Cesaro gave him another memory he can cherish forever."

- WWE posted this these videos of what's left of J&J Security's Cadillac CTS being hauled away from last night's RAW in Chicago after it was destroyed by Brock Lesnar:

