Backstage News On Why WWE Is Reportedly Planning Major Changes For The Divas Division

- Word coming out of WrestleMania 31 Week is that WWE officials are planning major changes for the Divas division going forward. There's a lot of talk that WWE is about to change how the Divas are portrayed.

The "#GiveDivasAChance" movement reportedly opened a lot of eyes within WWE in regards to how the Divas are booked. In addition, the success of Total Divas has made some WWE officials feel that they need to do more with their female competitors.

There's a feeling that they present the Diva personalities so strong on E! but when new fans that are made through Total Divas tune into regular WWE programming, they're not seeing the same portrayal that they see on Total Divas. WWE officials are looking to fix this so they don't lose potential viewers in the coming months.

Source: PWInsider Elite

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