Scarlett Bordeaux Talks ROH, TNA And WWE, Pearce Defeats Cabana, IWE Results
If you're a wrestling fan who hasn't taken notice of Scarlett Bordeaux yet, you might want to have your eyes checked?and maybe get your head examined while you're at it. Not only is she one of the most striking beauties in today's independent scene, she's also risen to prominence as regular performer and announcer for Ring of Honor and she has even made some forays into the biggest of the big leagues with on screen appearances for TNA and WWE. Scarlett recently spoke to regarding recent developments in her career and how her present success is shaping her plans and aspirations for the future.
Scarlett, it really seems like you've covered a lot of territory over the course of the past few years. You've worked in the ring as a valet and wrestler, you've played some integral roles in Ring of Honor, you worked a match for TNA and you even had a spot as one of Adam Rose's "rosebuds" at WWE's Payback event. It's a safe bet that a lot of folks?including your fans as well as your peers?are wondering, "What's Scarlett's secret?" So really?how are you pulling all of this stuff off?
It starts with passion. I knew nothing about wrestling 4 years ago before a friend introduced me to it. I trained at a conservatory as a mezzo-soprano and was a musical theater major in college so I had a theater background. Performing has always been my passion. It took a lot of hard work and determination to train and learn about wrestling, but I developed a love for the business.
Your presence in Ring of Honor has really garnered a lot of attention and accolades. What's been the highlight of your work in ROH thus far?
It's a three-way tie between wrestling my first Ring of Honor match, announcing the Anniversary show and the entire experience of being in The House of Truth as a Hoopla Hottie. Each was different but special to me. Ring of Honor has become a place I call a second home. The locker room is really my second family, they support me and I couldn't do it without them.
How did your appearance at "One Night Only" come about? How important was it for you to get in-ring experience in TNA?
It was quite unexpected and extremely flattering when I got the call to appear at One Night Only. One of the managing parties at TNA reviewed one of my matches and contacted me shortly after. Appearing at TNA for the first time was extremely important to me due to the high visibility. I always get a little nervous when I work somewhere new but I was also very excited.
You're still doing some work in the independent scene too, right? How do you balance everything that's involved in your career these days?
It takes a lot of preparation as far as scheduling goes. It also takes discipline to stay fit and eat right. It's important to motivate yourself.
You were recently named one of the "35 Most Beautiful Women of Wrestling" in Pro Wrestling Illustrated's 35th Anniversary issue. How did it feel to have your picture included in that list alongside some of the most celebrated women in the business, including Miss Elizabeth, Trish Stratus and Kelly Kelly?
It was definitely unexpected! There are so many talented and beautiful women in the world of wrestling and it's extremely flattering to have been chosen in the top 35.
With all of your experience in the business to date, how do you feel about the current state of the wrestling business? Do you think that WWE will dominate pro wrestling for the foreseeable future or will TNA, ROH and the independent scene continue to make some inroads on developing a devoted fan base? As a performer?both with respect to ring announcing and wrestling?what do you think your role is in the future of wrestling? What should your fans look forward to from here?
I feel that that there are a lot of talented wrestlers and plenty of opportunities for anyone who's willing to put in the amount of effort and dedication it takes to succeed. Any of the companies who provide the amount of entertainment to provide quality shows that will attract a solid fan base will succeed. As far as my future, I'm constantly open to learning new things and staying challenged and focused. Whether it's as a wrestler, manager or ring announcer.

Scarlett comes at Melanie Cruise from
off the top rope. Photo by Rob Myers.
As reported last week, Adam Pearce and Colt Cabana met in a steel cage match Steel Domain Wrestling's "8th Level" show in Hopkins, Minnesota on July 19. In a raucous match that included battles on top of the cage and on the concrete floor around the ring area, Pearce walked away the victor after delivering two devastating pile drivers to his rival.
(Thanks to Mark Koval)
Earlier this week, Imperial Wrestling Entertainment issued a statement including full results from the promotion's first show which was held on July 19 at the MAC TV Studios in Mount Pleasant, Michigan:
We would like to thank everyone who packed the MAC TV studios last night for our inaugural event! Ricky Caurdea quickly beat the debuting J.J. Hughes and Andrew Iron in quick succession. Claiming he was looking for real competition, out came "The Bruiser" Jamie Race! After a hard fought battle, Caurdea was able to steal the pinfall victory with a roll up and a handful of tights.
The team of Mike Idol and James Dillinger beat Magnum Force Corps (Cody Kelley and Nik VanCore) via disqualification after Cody hit Dillinger with the ring bell. After the match, Cody tied James to the ropes, which allowed Magnum Force Corps to double team Idol after the match. The bad blood between these two teams is far from over! Rocky Shocker came out to the ring to perform (according to him) the hit songs that made him a rock icon in the 80's! After nearly bursting everyone's eardrums in the studio audience with his "music", Uncle Hector came out and ran off Shocker after hitting him with a neck breaker.
FatTony Caurdea then attacked Uncle Hector, and an impromptu match began! After a back and fourth battle, FatTony was able to pick up the win after hitting Hector with a sit-out double choke bomb! In what will go down as a classic, Apocalypse bested Jack Price with the Apocabomb. This was a match that saw both men take each other to the absolute limit!
Stuntman Mike defeated Cody Leedy when an attempt to cheat backfired! During the match, Apocalypse came out to the ringside area aligning himself with Leedy. Apocalypse's distraction of the referee caused Leedy to grab Mike's helmet in an attempt to attack him with it. Leedy's attempt backfired however, as Stuntman kicked the helmet into Leedy's face, knocking Leedy out for the victory!
In the main event of the evening, "Gentleman" John Campbell took on "Brother" Will Vendetta for the vacant IWE world heavyweight championship! Both men battered one another, giving it everything that they had. It was Campbell ultimately reversing an Irish whip, and hitting Vendetta with his patented Annihilator (a hiptoss turned neckbreaker in mid air) that caused him to pick up the win and be crowned the new IWE world heavyweight champion! After the match, Apocalypse and Cody Leedy hit the ring and began triple teaming Campbell with Will Vendetta. Campbell was attacked with the belt, and Vendetta's Bible multiple times before Stuntman Mike and Jack Price hit the ring to make the save! After being helped up, Campbell got on the microphone and challenged Vendetta, Apocalypse, and Leedy to a six man tag team match at the next show, with Stuntman, and Price in his corner!
(Thanks to John Campbell)