Full Report From Today's WrestleMania 29 Press Conference

- The WrestleMania 29 press conference opens with Matt Striker hyping the big event on Sunday. We get a video for John Cena vs. The Rock.

- Striker speaks with World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez, who is on crutches. WWE's stream is experiencing some major difficulties. Del Rio talks about his WrestleMania match with Jack Swagger. Ricardo says he will still be in Del Rio's corner. Del Rio ends it by saying he was born in Mexico but made in America. Striker talks about Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar next. We get a video package.


- Striker talks about who will be appearing today. There's a packed house in the background with many members of the media gathered. Striker shows us a video of Triple H training for WrestleMania 29.

- The press conference officially kicks off with Michael Cole. He talks about WrestleMania Week and some of the celebrities involved with WrestleMania 29 on Sunday. Fandango's music interrupts Cole and here he comes through the crowd, with a dancer and everything. It looks like NXT Diva Summer Rae is his dancer but I could be wrong.

Fandango simply pronounces his name and exits the stage with his dancer. Cole says Fandango will make his debut at WrestleMania. Cole brings out WWE's Senior VP of Special Events John Saboor. Saboor talks about how excited the WWE family is to be in the region for their biggest show of the year. Saboor thanks everyone for helping with the local organization of WrestleMania 29. He also talks about the different WrestleMania Week festivities. Vince McMahon is introduced next and he comes up to his theme song.


Vince says this is a dream for him, his family and WWE. He talks about WrestleMania I at Madison Square Garden. Vince says nothing you can do in life can compare to the thrill of WrestleMania and thanks everyone. Ricardo Rodriguez walks up on stage and then uses his crutch to stand before introducing Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio talks about WrestleMania being the biggest night of his career. He says Latinos around the world will be cheering for him so there's no way he's losing. Del Rio says it's time to prove why he's the World Champion. Del Rio says he will break Jack Swagger's pride and spirit, and if Zeb Colter tries to sneak in the ring, he will do the same to him. Del Rio switches to Spanish and says some words to the Latin media.

- Cole comes back to the podium and introduces NY & Co. CEO George Fertitta. He talks about how proud and thrilled they are to bring WrestleMania back to the New York City area. We see some of the New York Giants sitting in the front row. Cole points them out and they get cheered. Cole talks about Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar and brings Triple H out next.

Triple H says WWE does press conferences a little bit differently. He does the "are you ready" schtick. He says Brock Lesnar better be ready. Triple H loosens his tie and unbuttons his shirt. He says Lesnar will learn the lesson of a lifetime at WrestleMania. He's interrupted by wife Stephanie McMahon, using her own video and theme song. She says he's supposed to have his executive hat on, not his Triple H hat. Stephanie reminds him they have business to take care of. She asks if he wants to let some steam off and slap Fandango around or something. Stephanie hypes WrestleMania and talks about her great grandfather and grandfather's history with the business. She then talks about what Vince has grown WWE into. They tout more than 75,000 people being in attendance on Sunday. She talks about how many fans WrestleMania will reach online this weekend. More hype for the WrestleMania Week events, the pre-show, post-show and everything else.


- Cole brings out Mark Henry next. Henry declares himself the strongest man in the world. He says as easily as you see his smile, it can leave his face in a heartbeat. Henry says Ryback almost got broken by trying to break his world record. Henry says he's proud to be from Texas but lives right here in Harlem. Henry says there's no greatest stage than WrestleMania and the past 17 years are the best of his life. Henry gets a little emotional and says he will not embarrass himself at WrestleMania. He says Ryback is in a lot of trouble. Cole brings out NJ Sports & Exposition Authority CEO Wayne Hasenbalg. He talks about how fun WWE is and the experience of getting to host WrestleMania 29.

Hasenbalg talks about how WWE has gone above and beyond to help the community. He guarantees that MetLife will be rocking on April 7th. He says they will be ready and thanks everyone. Cole brings out CM Punk next, after hyping his historic WWE Title reign. Punk says he's not here to bore us about stuff like Vince did earlier. He says WrestleMania is about legends. Punk says he's a bit different and references how he's dressed – jeans, sneakers, t-shirt and hooded sweatshirt. Punk says legends and streaks are made to be broken. He says Punk vs. Undertaker is what everyone will be talking about on Monday. Punk says he will break the streak and The Undertaker. Cole introduces WWE Champion The Rock next.


Rock talks about how he just landed and seems a little bit scatter-brained. He talks about coming up in the business 15 years ago. Rock says for everything to come full circle in the NY/NJ area is big. He talks about his lineage in the wrestling world. Rock talks about what this event means to the McMahon family and his own family. He mentions his late grandfather and the late Vince McMahon Sr. Rock is fumbling his words and doesn't seem together at all. Rock thanks the fans and the media. He says he can chase Vin Diesel or battle Cobra in GI Joe but nothing compares to beating John Cena's candy ass. He can't wait to do that at WrestleMania. Rock gives Cena props and tells him to get ready because it's time to electrify.

John Cena is out next. He takes a shot at how CM Punk was dressed. He says he watched WrestleMania 28 last night but believes this Sunday will eclipse that. Cena says something in French and something in Chinese. Cena says everyone is excited to be in the center of entertainment, the center of the world. He says they have the best product, the best show. Cena predicts a few surprises, some magic moments and for all to be entertained at WrestleMania. Cole brings The Rock back out for a photo op. Rock and Cena come face to face as Diddy and Biggie's Victory plays. The WrestleMania music hits as Big Show, Del Rio, The Bella Twins, Triple H, Fandango, The Great Khali, Natalya, Vince, Punk and others come out for a big group shot. Vince raises the arms of Cena and Rock. Cole thanks everyone for coming.


