R-Truth Spoils RAW Heel Turn, Another WWE Release, More

The Greenwich Times is reporting that former Connecticut governor Lowell Weicker Jr. is leaving WWE's Board of Directors after 15 years. The decision was said to be mutual, but the paper speculates that it could be over politics. Weicker endorsed Democrat Chris Dodd in his US Senate run against Linda McMahon last year. When asked for comment, Weicker disputed that assertion by saying, "The two things are entirely separate. Being on the board and politics are entirely separate matters." WWE spokesman Robert Zimmerman made the following comments on Weicker's leaving? "You may have read we are implementing a new business model, so the company feels that it is a good time to identify new directors to provide a fresh perspective to the company. WWE thanks the governor for his many years of service and guidance."

Before RAW aired here in the US, R-Truth spoiled his heel turn by posting the following? "Being mr nice guy got me no where! I lost my chance to become WWE champion! Wait'al they get a load of me!"

Truth deleted the tweet when people complained that RAW had not aired yet, and that he was spoiling the show for them.

