AEW Collision 10/5/24: 4-Way Singles Match, 3-Way Tag Team Match

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s coverage of AEW "Collision" on 10/5/24 from the Huntington Center in Toledo, Ohio!

We have three tag team matches lined up with Premier Athletes (Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari) taking on The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy & Kyle O'Reilly). We'll also see GYV facing the youngest tag team, The Outrunners. There will also be a 3-way tag team match between House of Black (Brody King & Buddy Matthews) vs. Private Party vs. Top Flight.


In 4-way action, Hologram will look to continue his undefeated streak. He will take on Nick Wayne, Komander, and Action Andretti.

After losing his World Title shot at "WrestleDream" to Jon Moxley, Darby Allin will take out his frustrations on Johnny TV. Last week on "Collision", Wheeler Yuta defeated Anthony Henry after wrestling like he wanted to be anywhere else. Tonight, he'll face Henry's second cousin (by marriage), BEEF. BEEF and Henry are undefeated in tag team action on ROH.

Willow Nightingale squares off against Trish Adora. Nightingale's rival, Kris Statlander will also be in action. On "Rampage", she had a staredown with Kamille.

Darby Allin vs. Johnny TV

Allin tried Johnny down early, but was unable to. Johnny flexed and wanted to do a test of strength. Johnny did a cartwheel while Allin held one of his hands. Allin finally took him to the mat. Allin with a side headlock takedown. Johnny put him in the corner, baseball slid, and wrenched Allin off the ropes. Johnny set him up for a chop in the corner, only to poke him in the eye.


He set up for Starship Pain when Allin slapped him and superplexed him. On the apron, Johnny did a Russian leg sweep and both men went crashing to the floor. Johnny placed Allin on the steps and hit him with a running knee, followed by a twisting splash.

Allin was able to get to the ring for a Coffin Drop to the outside. Johnny swept his legs when Allin went for another Coffin Drop. He was dangling upside down when Johnny connected with a spinning heel kick. Allin tried to get a quick pin, only for Johnny to roll away. Johnny put him in a crucifix and then dropped him down. He pinned him for two. Johnny went for a Starship Pain, but Allin rolled out and nailed him with a Code Red. Allin connected with a Coffin Drop for the win.


Winner: Darby Allin

After the match, Allin wanted to know who would be answering his open challenge for "Wrestle Dream". When no one came out, he said the locker room was complacent and wanted to make a name off of him. As he went up to the ramp and faced the fans, Brody King pounced him and then beat him up. 

The Outrunners vs. Grizzled Young Veterans

Truth and Drake start us off. Truth took him down with an arm drag and flexed on him. Turbo and Gibson tag in to the test themselves on each other. Turbo flexed on him, which made Gibson send him to the corner. They exchanged chops. GYV double teamed Turbo in their corner. Drake tagged in and the youngest tag team double teamed him. They did a double atomic drop followed by double flexes.


After the break, Drake had Truth in a figure four. Truth reversed out, but Drake tagged in Gibson. He kicked Truth in the hamstring several times. Drake tagged in, but Turbo elbowed both men. He tried to get to his corner, but Gibson caught him. The same thing happened with Drake. Truth tried once again and his weight took Drake back which allowed for the tag.

Turbo slammed both of them over and over. He used his partner to slam him on each member of GYV. They did Total Recall. Turbo tagged in Truth, who went up top. Gibson shoved him off the turnbuckle. Gibson hit Turbo with an enzuiguri when he was distracted by Gibson. Drake hit Truth with repeated headstrikes. Gibson had Truth on his shoulders. Drake was on the turnbuckle when Turbo pushed him off. Turbo with a victory roll to steal the win.


Winner: The Outrunners

Willow Nightingale vs. Trish Adora

Before the match, Nightingale put Mariah May on notice. May was seated ringside for her match.

Nightingale backed Adora into the rope. Adora tried to take her down with a shoulder tackle. Nightingale was able to take her down with a shoulder tackle. She followed with a suplex. Adora answered with one of her own. Adora with multiple arm whips. Adora pulled her arms behind her and continued to manipulate her arms before rolling her up. Nightingale pounced Adora.


Following the break, Adora had her in a standing figure four. Nightingale had a hard time taking her down, so they fought in the corner. Nightingale with a dropkick from the turnbuckle. Nightingale set up with Babe With the Powerbomb, but Adora backed her into the ropes. Adora with a crossbody before taking Nightingale to the corner. She chopped her a few times and suplexed her. Adora followed with another suplex and a bridge. Nightingale with a boot to the face and the Babe With A Powerbomb.

Winner: Willow Nightingale

After the match, May put her belt in Nightingale's face. She tried to strike Nightingale, but it was blocked. Nightingale pulled her over the barricade and they exchanged blows. May ran up the ramp, leaving her title on the floor.


Wheeler Yuta vs. BEEF (w/Anthony Henry)

Before his match, Wheeler Yuta asked Claudio Castagnoli if he could trust him. Castagnoli asked what Danielson ever did for him. He told Yuta he always had his back.

As soon as the bell rang, Yuta sent BEEF to the corner and chopped him several times. BEEF did a cartwheel and dropkicked Yuta in the face. BEEF with right hand jabs. On the big wind up, Yuta blocked it and choked him and hit him with a rolling elbow. Yuta bit him in the face as Mox, Marina, and PAC are watching from the crowd. Yuta with a back body drop.


BEEF escaped to the corner, only to be kicked repeatedly until Rick Knox pulled him off. Yuta did it again. Henry was yelling from the apron, so Yuta kicked him off. Yuta hit multiple elbow strikes before putting BEEF in the Cattle Mutilation.

Winner: Wheeler Yuta

The Conglomeration vs. Primer Athletes (w/ Smart Mark Sterling & Josh Woods)

Orange and Nese start us off. Daviari got in the ring and hit Cassidy from behind. They pulled KOR in and attacked him. KOR rolled out of the ring, but Cassidy was still in. He did a double takedown. KOR kneed Daivari and Cassidy dropkicked him. They continued to double team him. Nese came in and got double teamed too.


Nese kicked Cassidy and KOR took Daivari out on the outside. Nese dove on O'Reilly and Cassidy did a tope onto Nese. Cassidy put Nese in the ring, but was distracted by Sterling. Romero backed him off. Nese did a baseball slide into Cassidy. While Bryce Remsburg is distracted, Daivari kicks The Conglomeration on the outside.

After the break, Daivari kept Cassidy from his corner. Cassidy crawled through his legs to tag KOR. KOR hit him with body shots and then did the same to Nese. KOR sent him to the outside and hit a running knee strike on Daivairi. He put him in a leg lock, but Nese broke it up. They double teamed O'Reilly. Nese with a 450 Splash for the pin, but Cassidy just barely broke it up.


KOR tricked Premier Athletes into hitting each other. Cassidy tagged in and hit a crossbody on Daivari. Nese blocked a swinging DDT. Cassidy with a Slumdog Millionaire. Daivairi with a twist arm hammerlock.

KOR with a running knee. Nese with shoulder breaker. Nese ducked an Orange Punch. Nese with a ripcord and a pumphandle. Cassidy reversed into a DDT. Sterling jumped up on the apron to distract Remsburg, which allowed Woods to pull Cassidy out of the ring. Romero attacked Woods. They brawled in the ring. Sterling with a lowblow to Romero. Sterling and Woods double teamed Romero, which brought Mark Briscoe down. Woods ran up the ramp into Redneck Kung Fu and brawled to the back.

Sterling was yelling at Romero, Cassidy tapped Sterling on the shoulder. Sterling turned around and was met with a punch. Nese tried to roll up Cassidy and he got an Orange Punch. KOR with a guillotine on Daivari while Cassidy hit Nese with Beach Break for the win.

Winner: The Conglomeration

Backstage, Lance Archer was attacking dudes. Don Callis asked him if he was still represented by Jake Roberts. Archer said "yeah" and Callis replied "good to know."

Hologram vs. Nick Wayne vs. Komander vs. Action Andretti

Hologram had Wayne's leg and Komander flipped over the leg onto Andretti. Hologram with a head scissors takedown on Wayne. Komander and Hologram were going to stereo dives, but Andretti and Wayne hit them with pumpkicks. Wayne and Andretti faced off one on one. Andretti with springboard twisting tornillo off the rope. Hologram knocked Andretti out of the ring. Komander walked the ropes and did an enzuiguri on Hologram before doing bounces on the rope. Hologram caught Komander, but Komander reversed into a tejares.


Hologram stood on the shoulders on Komander. Komander spun around a few times and Hologram hit him with a tejares. Hologram went for a dive, but Wayne pulled him out of the ring by his legs. Andretti took Komander off the apron. He followed with a flip onto Komander. Wayne catches Andretti. Andretti bounced off the ropes onto Komander and Wayne.

After the break, Wayne and Hologram were in the ring. Hologram did backflips. Wayne punched Andretti. Hologram double teamed them and took them down. He followed with a tope suicida on Komander. Hologram went up top for a 450 on Wayne. Wayne with a standing switch on Hologram. Komander did a double tejares. Komander did lucha bounces and a flip on Hologram.


Komander turned his attention to Andretti. Andretti with two enzuiguris. Andretti with a Spanish Fly, but Wayne broke up the pin. Andretti was going for a move, but Wayne pushed him down onto the apron. Hologram with a Spanish Fly to Wayne. Komander with a poisonrana on Hologram. All four men are down.

Komander took Hologram down with an Area Code Kick. Komander with a tornillo from the top rope. Komander went to the top to walk the ropes and then did a splash onto Hologram. Wayne pulled him off and rolled him up. Komander kicked out and Wayne followed with an enzuiguri and Wayne's World. Andretti kicked Wayne in the head and hit a vertical suplex. Andrertti with a forearm to Hologram. Hologram with an airplane spin into a Blue Thunder Bomb.

Winner: Hologram

Kris Statlander vs. Zoey Lynn

Lynn hit her from behind, but Statlander pushed her down. She lifted Lynn over her hand and held her in the air before throwing down. She grabbed Lynn by her hair and put her in Saturday Night Fever for the win.


Winner: Kris Statlander

Mercedes and Kamile came down to the ring. Mercedes told Statlander to respect her and sent Kamile after her. They stood face to face. Statlander with forearms and Kamille hit her with a pumpkick. Statlander was talking trash to Mercedes and Kamille took her down with Road to Damascus.

House of Black vs. Top Flight vs. Private Party

The winner of this match gets a tag title shot at "WrestleDream". Dante and Isiah start us off and exchange holds that ended in kip ups. Marq tagged in. Private Party and Top Flight brawl in the ring. Buddy tagged in. Private PArty with stereo topes on Top Flight. House of Black did baseball slides on to the floor to attack Private Party. Marq went for a tope, but Buddy kicked him in midair. Isiah did a tope, but was caught by HOB, who tossed him into the apron.


After the break, Buddy rolled up Marq. Dante tagged in, which made Buddy mad. Dante hit him with an enziguri and a crossbody on Marq. Dante with a tejares on Buddy and a took down Malaki. Dante with a splash on Marq, but Zay break it up.

Dante and Marq continue to fight. Isiah and Darius tagged in. Isiah with an enzuiguri. Darius with a Manhattan Drop. Darius went to the ropes and slid through. Darius got back on the apron and was met by a cutter. Darius took him down with a cutter of his own. Silly String on Darius. HOB double teamed Zay and Darius.

HOB tee off on Marq. Dante shoved HOB into each other. Zay did a faceplant on Dante and yelled "Suck It!", in reference to the Bucks. Darius with a Fisherman bomb on Zay. Darius and Malakai tee off. Malakai with a Black Mass and Marq with a spinning heel kick. Buddy kicked Marq in the face and Marq did it back. Marq went for a poisonrana on Buddy, but Malakai held Buddy's leg. Buddy with a Meteora on Zay.


Buddy with a knee lift on Marq. Buddy with a jackhammer. Malakai with a double stomp from the turnbuckle, but Zay kicked out. HOB have Zay up to double team him, but Leila Gray tries to stop Andretti. Andretti threw a bottle of water on HOB. Grey tried to get him to leave. Malakai elbowed Dante off the apron. HOB focused on Andretti and Dante dove on them. Zay with a dropkick. He did a dive off of Marq's back onto HOB and Dante. Zay put Dante in the ring for Gin and Juice for the win.

Winner: Private Party

