Why Chael Sonnen Believes Vince McMahon Ran Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential Campaign

Retired MMA fighter Chael Sonnen has commented on former WWE Chairman Vince McMahon's mastery of psychology, claiming that he may have played a role in Donald Trump winning the 2016 US Presidential election.


Sonnen, who once attended a WCW tryout WCW in 1998 and claimed that WWE offered him a $5 million contract, has controversial opinions on the MMA world and WWE. On a recent episode of the "FLAGRANT" podcast, Sonnen explained why he believes McMahon ran the campaign. 

"You will not convince me that Vince McMahon did not run that [Trump] campaign in 2016. I believe Vince ran that. Vince was the greatest influencer. Vince's number one thing is, 'Yes, it is business and entertainment but it's psychology,'" Sonnen stated. 

He recalled that 11 days before Trump's presidential campaign, amidst the Billy Bush controversy, McMahon sent him $8 million to keep his campaign afloat. Sonnen also pointed out the ability that McMahon had to get people interested and also drew parallels between Trump's presidential campaign and pro wrestling.


"He had catchphrases, he had 'lock him up,' he started giving them nicknames, he started having the same songs, it was like walk-out music, and he was having chants from the crowd. It was ... his campaign was exactly the way Vince McMahon promotes a WrestleMania," Sonnen said. 

He also noted that one of Trump's first acts in office was appointing Linda McMahon, the wife of Vince McMahon, to his administration.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "FLAGRANT" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

